
Press kit PRO – DJ Wel

PRESS KIT DIGITAL PRO bio tracks and dj sets contacts Spotify Instagram Youtube NEXT DATES: EventCityDate Eng Pt-BR Spa IMPRENSA E DESTAQUES Whatsapp Envelope Instagram Artist’s photos and logo: clique no ícone abaixo para acessar: Click the button below to access. Join my VIP list: Fill out the form and receive music, and all our […]

Press kit PRO – Enzili

PRESS KIT DIGITAL PRO bio tracks and dj sets contacts Spotify Instagram Youtube NEXT DATES: EventCityDate Eng Pt-BR Spa IMPRENSA E DESTAQUES Whatsapp Envelope Instagram Artist’s photos and logo: clique no ícone abaixo para acessar: Click the button below to access. Join my VIP list: Fill out the form and receive music, and all our […]

Press kit PRO – Luana Müller

PRESS KIT DIGITAL PRO bio tracks and dj sets contacts Spotify Instagram Youtube NEXT DATES: EventCityDate Eng Pt-BR Spa IMPRENSA E DESTAQUES Whatsapp Envelope Instagram Artist’s photos and logo: clique no ícone abaixo para acessar: Click the button below to access. Join my VIP list: Fill out the form and receive music, and all our […]

Press kit PRO – Fabian B.

PRESS KIT DIGITAL PRO bio tracks and dj sets contacts Spotify Instagram Youtube NEXT DATES: EventCityDate Eng Pt-BR Spa Whatsapp Envelope Instagram Artist’s photos and logo: clique no ícone abaixo para acessar: Click the button below to access. Join my VIP list: Fill out the form and receive music, and all our updates: Preencha o […]

Press kit PRO – Rafael Sizze

PRESS KIT DIGITAL PRO bio tracks and dj sets contacts Spotify Instagram Youtube NEXT DATES: EventCityDate Eng Pt-BR Spa Whatsapp Envelope Instagram Artist’s photos and logo: clique no ícone abaixo para acessar: Click the button below to access. Join my VIP list: Fill out the form and receive music, and all our updates: Preencha o […]

Press kit PRO – Bertolini

PRESS KIT DIGITAL PRO bio tracks and dj sets contacts Spotify Instagram Youtube NEXT DATES: EventCityDate Eng Pt-BR Spa Whatsapp Envelope Instagram Artist’s photos and logo: clique no ícone abaixo para acessar: Click the button below to access. Join my VIP list: Fill out the form and receive music, and all our updates: Preencha o […]

Press kit PRO – Kdu Ferreira

PRESS KIT DIGITAL PRO bio tracks and dj sets contacts Spotify Instagram Youtube NEXT DATES: EventCityDate Eng Pt-BR Spa Whatsapp Envelope Instagram Artist’s photos and logo: clique no ícone abaixo para acessar: Click the button below to access. Join my VIP list: Fill out the form and receive music, and all our updates: Preencha o […]

Press kit PRO – DJ Eri-k

PRESS KIT DIGITAL PRO bio tracks and dj sets contacts Spotify Instagram Youtube NEXT DATES: EventCityDate Eng Pt-BR Spa Whatsapp Envelope Instagram Artist’s photos and logo: clique no ícone abaixo para acessar: Click the button below to access. Join my VIP list: Fill out the form and receive music, and all our updates: Preencha o […]

Press kit PRO – Funk Pero No Mucho

PRESS KIT DIGITAL PRO bio tracks and dj sets contacts Spotify Instagram Youtube NEXT DATES: EventCityDate Eng Pt-BR Spa Whatsapp Envelope Instagram Artist’s photos and logo: clique no ícone abaixo para acessar: Click the button below to access. Join my VIP list: Fill out the form and receive music, and all our updates: Preencha o […]

Press kit PRO – Sodree

PRESS KIT DIGITAL PRO bio tracks and dj sets contacts Spotify Instagram Youtube NEXT DATES: EventCityDate Eng Pt-BR Spa Whatsapp Envelope Instagram Artist’s photos and logo: clique no ícone abaixo para acessar: Click the button below to access. Join my VIP list: Fill out the form and receive music, and all our updates: Preencha o […]

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