Tracks e DJ Sets


Nascido em Joinville/SC, DJ e Beatmaker desde 2002, Fabio Vargas busca misturar o antigo e o atual, jogando todas as músicas no mesmo caldeirão. Utilizando o modelo “Open Format” faz a sua festa transitar por diversos estilos e ritmos musicais, desde o R&B, Pop, Hip Hop, Reggaeton, Brasilidades, Funk, Eletrônico, entre outros.
A ideia é criar um clima animado e ao mesmo tempo nostálgico
em muitas das ocasiões, colocando o público para dançar, cantar e divertir.

Born in Joinville, SC, DJ and Beatmaker Fabio Vargas has been active since 2002. He strives to blend the old and the new, mixing all kinds of music into one big pot. Using the “Open Format” model, he makes his parties transition through various musical styles and rhythms, including R&B, Pop, Hip Hop, Reggaeton, Brazilian genres, Funk, Electronic, and more.

The idea is to create a lively and, at the same time, nostalgic atmosphere on many occasions, making the audience dance, sing, and have fun. Fabio Vargas transforms any event into an unforgettable celebration, where musical diversity and contagious energy are the trademarks of his performances.

Tracks e DJ Sets


Nascido em Joinville/SC, DJ e Beatmaker desde 2002, Fabio Vargas busca misturar o antigo e o atual, jogando todas as músicas no mesmo caldeirão. Utilizando o modelo “Open Format” faz a sua festa transitar por diversos estilos e ritmos musicais, desde o R&B, Pop, Hip Hop, Reggaeton, Brasilidades, Funk, Eletrônico, entre outros.
A ideia é criar um clima animado e ao mesmo tempo nostálgico em muitas das ocasiões, colocando o público para dançar, cantar e divertir.

Born in Joinville, SC, DJ and Beatmaker Fabio Vargas has been active since 2002. He strives to blend the old and the new, mixing all kinds of music into one big pot. Using the “Open Format” model, he makes his parties transition through various musical styles and rhythms, including R&B, Pop, Hip Hop, Reggaeton, Brazilian genres, Funk, Electronic, and more.

The idea is to create a lively and, at the same time, nostalgic atmosphere on many occasions, making the audience dance, sing, and have fun. Fabio Vargas transforms any event into an unforgettable celebration, where musical diversity and contagious energy are the trademarks of his performances.


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